One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Experience Fall Bible Conference With Your Student


教堂讲者及听众We'll kick off the fall semester tonight with our annual Fall Bible Conference — always a highlight of the year.

读 今天的文章 to learn how you can watch along with your student.


张贴在 教堂 基督教的部 开始

Answers to Your 开始 Questions


Yellow Jacket mascot with getting started logo开始 Weekend — August 18-20 — is just a few days away. See 今天的文章 for answers to some of the most common questions we get from parents to help as you prepare to come. We can't wait to have you and your student on campus!


张贴在 开始



Orchestra at Christmas ConcertDid you know that Cedarville has music ensembles that are open to students from any major? If your student is interested in a vocal or instrumental ensemble, encourage him or her to audition on Sunday, August 20, during 开始 Weekend.

See ensemble opportunities and schedule an audition time on the 在线日历.

You don't have to be a music major to participate in a music ensemble — encourage your student to 报名参加试镜 今天!


张贴在 一般 开始

Is Your Student Planning to Work on Campus?


Barista serving customer coffee

Many students choose to work on campus to help fund their education or make some extra spending money. 读 今天的文章 to learn about required documents, 工作资格规则, 他们将如何支付, and more to help your student prepare for campus employment.


张贴在 一般 开始

Three "To-Do's" Between Now and 开始



We’re looking forward to having students back on campus in just a few weeks! Whether your student is coming as a freshman or a returning student, there are a few things you can do now to prepare for the year and stay connected with Cedarville. 读 今天的文章 to learn what to do. They're great ways for you to stay in touch with what is going on at Cedarville.


张贴在 一般 开始

Spring Semester 开始 for New Yellow Jackets


Yellow Jacket mascot with getting started logoIf you have a new Yellow Jacket starting next semester, we are excited to welcome them at 春天的开始. 访问 the website for a schedule of activities and everything you need to know as your student joins the 雪松维尔校园社区.

If you have any questions, please email

We can't wait to welcome your Yellow Jacket home!


张贴在 事件 开始

Tips for a Smooth College Drop-Off


学生搬入宿舍From one parent to another … dropping your child off at college is hard (especially if it’s your first time!). 当你准备带来 your student to Cedarville to begin his or her college career, please be assured of two things:

  • Your son or daughter rests securely in God’s hand. He has great plans for them (Jer. 29:11) and will never leave them alone (Heb. 13:5).
  • Cedarville University will do everything we can to love and support your child — personally, 在学业上, 和精神上. We are so honored that you have entrusted your child to us, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

今天的文章 for tips for a successful drop-off. Don't worry, Mom and Dad, you've got this!

Director of Strategic Relations (and a Cedarville dad!)

P.S. When you come to campus in a few days, be sure to stop by the Parent Zone outside the chapel. We would love to meet you and welcome you to Cedarville!


张贴在 开始

Paying Your Student’s Bill and Returning to Campus Information


沙巴体育的标志今天的文章 for helpful reminders on paying your student's bill and preparing to return to campus.

Please encourage your student to check email regularly for updates from Cedarville.


张贴在 开始 学生服务

Enjoy This Year's Jacket Jaunt


This year's 开始 looked a little different, but we still were able to welcome more than 1,000 new Yellow Jackets into the Cedarville family! 在今天的帖子中, you can watch the Jacket Jaunt video to see what it was like as we officially welcomed these new students home. You might even find someone you know!

Please be praying for these new students as they continue to adjust to college life, especially under unusual circumstances this year.



张贴在 开始



We were excited to welcome the largest-ever incoming group of students to Cedarville during 开始 Weekend. 1000多名新生和 transfer students joined the Cedarville family, ready to begin their life-changing journey. Want to relive some of the fun memories from a great weekend? Watch the video below or check out photos on Facebook. You just might see someone you know! [ENSEMBLE videoid="eYId91G69E2D998klJYuEQ"]

张贴在 开始





Did you know that Cedarville offers discounted online and residential graduate programs for parents? 了解更多 Request Your Graduate Program Guide